
Life Lessons: 42 – Save as Soon as Money Trickles Into Your Pocket

Life Lessons: 42 – Save as Soon as Money Trickles Into Your Pocket

SAVING MONEYWho wants to be a Millionaire? Ever seen that show on TV? If you have not, go Google it. The truth is that every one of us can become a millionaire if we really want to; I guess you don’t believe it. After all, how many millionaire buddies do you have? However, here are the facts:

If you consistently invest $50 a month for 40 years in an investment that gives you 15% interest per annum, you will have $1,067,454. So, if you have just started working, possibly at the age of twenty five, you can, without any Wall Street knowledge, retire at sixty five with a million dollars. If you double your monthly investment amount, you could retire way earlier than sixty five with your million dollars.

Honestly, how many sixty five year olds do you know personally who have a million dollars? I have a number of sixty five year olds in my family, and I know of many of my friends whose parents are at that age, and none of those I know have that kind of money. I am not necessarily saying that you should be materialistic or become a lover and slave of money; after all money does not guarantee happiness or give everlasting life.

I just know that being poor is not what I want for myself, and I am sure being poor is not what you want to be when you retire nor do you want to rely on your kids for subsistence or on government support (which if you are in Africa like me, you will never get anyway).

If you doubt that you can actually retire with a million dollars in the bank, download the free compound interest excel sheet via this link: www.albertopoku.com/downloads/cies . All you need is the dedication and commitment to put that $50 aside each month. My only regret is that I did not start my standing order into my investment account when I was eighteen! However, it is never too late for you and I to get started on building that million.

Download the full book (52 Lessons of Life) for FREE

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