
A Dozen Inspirational Quotes on GOALS – Part 1

A Dozen Inspirational Quotes on GOALS – Part 1

1. Successful people set goals, accomplish them and then set new goals. They accept and enjoy challenges

2. People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. Earl nightingale
3. Goals are the starting blocks of motivation. They give us a reason to get our stuffs and get going
4. Goals helps us take charge our own lives, instead of following the crowd or wandering though life
5. Goals gives us a destination. We’re far more likely to get someplace when we know whether we’re going
6. Goals give us a sense of purpose. Life has more meaning when we’re clear on what we want
7. Instead of merely existing from one day to the next, our goals give us reasons to start really living.
8. Goals are the antidote to the most dreaded of all social diseases: boredom. How can you be bored when you’ve got exciting things to do?
9. Goals more than anything else help us reach our potential. Setting goals helps us see what’s possible.
10. Each goal completed helps us see more of what’s possible and leads to new goals and more success
11. Virtually nothing on earth can stop a person with a positive attitude who has his goal clearly in sight. Denis Waitley
12. Discipline means choice. Every time you say YES to a goal or objective. You say NO to many more. Sybil Stanton 

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2 Responses

  1. anyone who identifies his purpose on earth begins to set goals to achieve the purpose.Setting goals,is knowing what you have to give in to get to where you want to be.Goals motivate us to accomplish much in life and all successful people have goals.If i may ask Where would you want to be in 5 years time? Know you destination and begin to plan or set goals to reach there

  2. i need not worry about new year resolution as i have set goals for my destination 10 years to come,funny ah! Just know that the future is not some thing that happened it was created,create the future now!

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